How to use MindTerm as an applet This document explores some issues which applies when one tries to run MindTerm as an applet. The applet should be signed The security model of Java requires applets to be signed if they are going to perform certain operations. Operations which require signing include accessing the local file-system, opening local tcp-ports and connecting to other machines than the one the applet was downloaded from. If you bought a commercial copy of MindTerm you should receive a signed version of the applet. But if you are using the free version, or have done modifications, you must sign it yourself. Fortunately there are lots of tutorials on the web on how to do this. For example see the list of tutorials at MindTerm does not yet use any of the never (1.2 or later) security models. Files needed on the server Normally one needs two different versions of the applet on the server. One jar-file which is used by the Sun java plugins and one cab-file which is used by the Microsoft java plugin. That is to use MindTerm with the Microsoft Java runtime you must have a cab-file with the applet on the server. This cab-file should contain all the classes provided in mindterm.jar. The jar-file should not contain the com/netscape classes. If you bought the commercial version of MindTerm you will find both the jar-file and cab-file included in your package. Otherwise you will have to generate them yourself. Web page To actually use MindTerm one needs to place it on a web page. One this page you place code which actually launches the applet. This code may look like this: The first three lines of this are used to specify the applet files. The Sun java plugin will use the ARCHIVE version and the Microsoft JRE will use the specified cabinet file. After that one can add an arbitrary number of parameters to MindTerm. This example sets 'sepframe' to true (to launch the applet in a separate frame) and enables debugging. For a complete list of parameters see Settings.txt.