When & Where
Anne Bezemer (mail)
Will bring: laptop 486 DX/50 with 10Mbit BNC/UTP network, CompactFlash adapter;
Digital still camera 640x480 using CompactFlash cards. Assorted other stuff.
Joost van Baal (mail)
May bring: SPARCstation 20, T-shirts to sell, posters.
Marcel Harkema (mail)
Travels by train from Hengelo or Leeuwarden.
May bring hub(s), utp stuff etc.
David van Leeuwen (mail) --
not confirmed.
[Wouter Verhelst (mail)]
May come if there's Antwerp-Amsterdam transportation available.
Can bring: Mac Centris 650 (m68k-machine).
Anyone else?
Everyone visiting this event MUST PRE-REGISTER him/herself.
Location details
Available on the
site, and the
hotel's site (much info there!).
Floor plan is available on the LTT site in .pdf format
(local copy) and here in
.gif format.
Christiane Sattler: "For your exhibition space, we will provide you with:
1 table, 2 chairs and a power connection."
Access times:
Exhibits hours: 9:00 - 17:00
Conference: 8:00 (registration) - 18:00
Extra exhibitor setup/dismantling access: unknown at this moment.
to the hotel.
"The Radisson SAS Hotel Amsterdam Airport offers 160 parking places,
exclusively reserved for its hotel guests. The costs are normally Dfl.
4,00 per hour, but for our meeting guests we offer a parking place for
Dfl. 20,00 per day."
Several things have to be done/made/organized (in no particular order):
Sizable poster(s) with the Debian `swirl',
"The universal Operating System",
"The most software, the most people",
"The biggest is still the best",
"When code matters more than commercials"
Available here - get Everything.
(ps2pdf will make nice .pdf versions (apt-get install gs gsfonts))
-> Joost van Baal
Flyers with info on what/why-Linux and what/why-Debian
Available here too.
-> at least 500 copies still available.
CDs to hand out and/or sell
-> 100+ 2.2rev3 Binary-1 CDs available.
manuals to sell
-> 100+ copies available.
Computers for demo purposes + monitors/speakers/network cards/cables etc.
Extra chairs since we get only 2. Extra table(s)?
Printed t-shirts/other garments, both to sell and wear ourselves
Artwork is here.
Check about Internet connectivity
And: Who'll do what?
Visitor profile
"This year's event will again be a conference/exposition designed to
provide corporate IS (managers, strategic planners, developers and
consultants), and the Linux Community (professional user associations,
user groups and education) with first-hand information on the most
important Linux topics. These will include -- development, compatibility,
desktop applications and the strategies for deploying them, and support &
reliability issues"
with visitor profiles of last year's Linux@work tour.
Based on this, I expect most visitors to the Debian "booth"
will want to know:
What is this "Debian" and how is it related to Linux?
Why would I choose Debian and not a "competitor"?
of last year's Linux@work tour.
One more Amsterdam picture
Postscript Tux
(section 3.4)
Enhanced version (local, much faster). Use
gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=LinuxLogo_CS1.jpg LinuxLogo_CS1.eps
-c quit
to get a .jpg preview (much better than
gv for some reason).